The Masonic Home of Florida is the pride and joy of all Florida Masons. It is funded by contributions from all Master Masons and Lodges within Florida and is shining example of our steadfast commitment to charity and relief for our Brothers, their wives and widows. It is one of the very few, 5 star rated care facilities in the State.

Master Masons in good standing shall be given the benefit of emergency financial relief in an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 per occurrence or exceed a period longer than 3 months. This relief shall be extended to all worthy Master Masons, their wives, widows and orphans, whose need is urgent and who cannot provide for themselves. In addition, should you become financially distressed in another location, you may apply for this relief through the local Board of Relief or the Masonic Relief Association of the United States & Canada. Your home Masonic Lodge will be contacted, and your condition explained to a Lodge Officer. If all else fails, you may find the nearest Masonic Lodge within your location, and make your needs known to the Worshipful Master of that particular Lodge.

Master Masons in good standing shall be afforded the privilege of Masonic Funeral Rites. These Rites are conducted only at the request of the deceased Brother or a member of his immediate family. The first Rite is given at the chapel service; the second at the graveside. Both chapel and graveside services may be held in conjunction with any religious service and are non-sectarian in nature. A Masonic Funeral Rite is the last tribute that can be shown to a worthy Brother and his family, as his labors on this Earth have ceased.

Master Masons in good standing shall be afforded the benefit of the Hal W. Adams Hospital Service Fund. It was established to assist Master Masons, his wife, widow, and orphans, who may be sick, afflicted, injured or in need of medical care. Original grants from this fund are not to exceed the sum of $500.00; however, when a greater need is apparent, additional grants made be made upon approval.

Master Masons in good standing shall be eligible to visit Masonic Lodges around the country and around the World. Due trial, strict examination, and a current dues card will be required of you by the Tyler of that particular Lodge. While every Master Mason should be extended this courtesy, the final decision of admittance rests solely with the Worshipful Master of that particular Lodge.

York Rite Masons

The York Rite, or the American Rite, is based on the early remnants of Craft Masonry that were practiced in the early 1700’s.
Scottish Rite Masons

Masonic history shows evidence that by the 1730s there were “Scotch Masons,” a step after the Master Mason Degree in England.
Shriners International

Learn how the Shriners got started and how their core values have shaped who they are today.
Admission to the Masonic Home

Master Masons in good standing shall be eligible for admission to the Masonic Home of Florida. This eligibility shall be extended to all distressed & worthy
Master Masons, their wives or widows, subject to the conditions set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the Masonic Home. A brief outline is provided below:
- A Master Mason must be a member of a Florida Lodge not less than 10 years.
- A Master Mason must be a member of a Florida Lodge before attaining the age of 60 years.
- A wife or widow of a Master Mason is only eligible for residency based on her husband’s membership in a Florida Masonic Lodge.
Application for admission to the Masonic Home must be submitted to the Brother’s home Lodge, which will then be forwarded to the Admissions Board. There are provisions set forth to accommodate Brother Master Masons from other States. Please contact the Grand Lodge of Florida for further information.